This quarter was wonderful. For my own mental health, I started trying to watch the sunset every day, or at least as much as I could. Because last year the sun going down so early was a little hard for me, I tried to start this tradition as a way to sort of try to combat that feeling. And I think it worked pretty well. It was just a nice 15-30 minutes of calm and beauty whenever I could spare the time. Like last quarter, I also spent a lot of time with friends and got to do a few more adventures around Washington.
This was one of my design heavy quarters and I loved it. I looked forward to Scenic Painting so much every week and I had so much fun with my many projects for Tools of Composition. The biggest part of this quarter was designing for Children's Hour. I've already written so much about it, so I won't say too much more but I fully dedicated myself to it and was really proud of the final product. I took a lot onto my shoulders but I also had a lot of support from my friends and others on the production team.
This quarter was also the start of competition season for the climbing team. We compete in the NW Collegiate Climbing Circuit. I got to go to my first competition at the University of Oregon. We did a road trip and my group decided to camp just outside of Eugene the night before the comp. It wasn't very comfortable but it was so much fun and quite the adventure. During the actual comp, I did way better than I expected. I placed first in the Advanced category for my first ever climbing competition. It was so unexpected and I was so proud of myself. 
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