This was an absolutely wonderful quarter. We had the rest of our competition season for climbing team. I also went climbing outside for the first time! It really felt like I got a lot closer with everyone on the team. The same was true with my friends outside of the team. Because it was spring, we got to have a lot of outside time and adventures in the sun. I brought friends to the lake a lot, it's my favorite place in Seattle.
This was also a very satisfying quarter academically. It was a lot of research and reading but I was so invested in what I was learning and I was able to make all of my final projects about things I really was passionate about. It ended up being a wonderful time. Next year I'd love to go climbing outside much more. We'll also finally have a real design teacher in the fall, so I'm really looking forward to meeting with her and learning. I'm hoping to design another show and work as an assistant for a grad designer. I'm excited for the year.
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