I really enjoyed spring quarter. I mentioned that I'm not used to sun going down so early in winter, so having the days get longer was great. Spring really is a thing up here—it was basically my first spring. I'd never appreciated spring until I'd experienced a winter. But it was beautiful. I started taking classes outside and we got to see the beautiful cherry blossoms.

Academically it was wonderful. I didn't have as much work but the work I did have I was really engaged in. I took two classes that gave me good information towards my majors and one class that gave me more appreciation towards learning itself. I was able to work on a production with other students, and while it was very stressful, it was also very gratifying. If that was as good an experience as it was, I can't wait for more productions in person.
There was a lot of good time spent with friends this quarter as well. One of the best parts was our road trip to Puyallup to get vaccinated. Obviously it was a relief because of the vaccination but it was also great because of the freedom of having a car again, even if only for a day.

I also got a bike and finally got to start exploring on my own terms. On weekends I would choose a beach or park and go. I challenged myself to only look at the map at the start of the trip and not use my phone to navigate at all until I arrived. It really helped me get to know the area better. I even swam once at Seward park. It was super cold but it still meant a lot to get in the water after so long.

 I felt like I really started to take care of myself this quarter. I was getting outside way more than I did in the winter quarter. I'm working out really consistently and having fun climbing. As far as dorm life during a pandemic goes, I think I did a good job with it. But I'm looking forward to apartment next year so much. I've really missed being able to cook and once I can do that, I think I'll feel even more independent. Its a next step that I'm really excited to take.
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