This is an example of one of my favorite things that I did in my linguistics class. This came during the morphology unit- the study of words and how they are formed. In this worksheet, we analyzed a language we didn't know and then tried to determine and use the morphological rules of that language. The highlights show what we determined each unit of speech corresponds to in English. From there, we could even start to translate simple phrases and understand how the grammar is formed. It was amazing.
When I was doing this assignment there was a moment where it all clicked and I fully understood it. I got unreasonably excited and I remember just absolutely beaming the entire time. It was so cool! Decoding a language and understanding it from its basic level when you don't even know it? That's exactly what I love about linguistics and why I wanted to take this class. This moment is the reason I included this worksheet in my portfolio. I'm planning on minoring in linguistics and this is why.
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